Home renovation is vital to turn your new home into a house that fits your every need. The average homeowner in the United States of America spent close to $8,500 in 2022 on home upgrades to spruce up their homes and add more value. Most home renovations focus on the kitchen and master bathroom remodel, but you’ll find several fantastic home renovation projects to tackle.
The key is finding your budget and determining what you want from your home remodel project. The good news is that you’ve found the perfect renovation guide to build the house of your dreams and upgrade your quality of living.
Keep reading to turn your home renovations into the talk of the town today!
1. Research Home Renovations and Set a Budget
Determining how to start your home renovation project is tricky if you’re unsure what you wish to accomplish. Sprucing up the appearance of your kitchen is a worthy goal, but you should also seek to make it a more functional part of your home. The internet is your best resource to research home upgrade ideas and find those that stand out.
Consider using an app like Pinterest to find home remodel projects other homeowners have used to improve their homes. Dedicating time to budgeting for your home renovation is equally essential.
Home renovation projects can extend into tens of thousands of dollars. A total home remodel could require financing, so know your goals for your remodeling project.
You can work with a smaller budget if you want a bathroom remodel. Knowing your budget ahead of time will keep your finances from spiraling out of your control.
2. Determine the Order of Home Upgrades
After deciding on the home upgrades you want, it’s wise to determine the order you’d like to handle these projects. Most first-time homeowners opt to pursue a kitchen remodel first since it requires more time and work and produces the most extensive mess. You want to keep the dust and debris from your kitchen remodel from impacting other areas of your home.
Talk with a contractor to determine the essential needs for your home renovation. You can get a clear picture of the work required to complete the project and the necessary expenses that come with it. You’ll form the ground rules for the contractor and help them envision what you’re hoping to achieve.
3. Choose the Right Paint Options
Painting your home’s interior is risky when you’re in the midst of a home remodel. You should only choose a paint color for your home’s renovation after you’ve picked the Luxury Vinyl Flooring color and pattern and found furniture to match your home’s interior design.
A fresh coat of paint changes the overall atmosphere in your home. Choosing the wrong color will add a ton of frustration and inconvenience to your life. Hold off on choosing your paint options until you draw closer to the end of the home renovation project.
Choose a safe, neutral color for your walls if you’re set on getting the painting out of the way. You’ll find furniture and flooring that works well with a neutral color like light blue or cream for your walls.
4. Prepare for Dust
Anyone with experience with home renovation knows that a dust storm is part of the price you pay to spruce up your home. The kitchen and bathroom remodel options produce the most dust, so prepare them in advance for an efficient home remodel process.
The contractors will do their best to clean up any dust and debris, but it’s best to pack your items away safely to keep them secure during this process. Your furniture is not immune to the dust in your home, so consider storing it elsewhere until the renovation ends.
Sealing your doorways is also wise to keep the dust from spreading from one room to the next. You can contain the mess and keep it out of other rooms that you’re not using or remodeling. Heavy-duty plastic sheets are another good investment to prepare for the dust in your home.
5. Don’t Rush
Home renovation projects take time, so do your best to stay patient as your new home gets fixed up. A bathroom remodel could take weeks, especially if you’re ordering a new bathtub and waiting for it to arrive. You’ll still need to allow the contractor time to remove the old tub and install the new one.
Avoid allowing your impatience to turn your home remodel into a DIY project. Most homeowners lack the skills to complete the project on their own. Add in your work and personal life commitments, and you’ll struggle to balance it all.
6. Plan Ahead
Communicating with your contractors will let you know when the most hectic days of the home renovation are. You can plan ahead by taking a weekend getaway with your partner to take time away from your home as the renovation process continues. The more preparation you use, the less stress you’ll encounter as your home gets upgraded.
7. Choose Meaningful Home Upgrades
Home upgrades are vital to improving the design and aesthetic of your home, but it’s wise to choose upgrades that are functional. New kitchen appliances provide a luxurious appearance, but you should choose the ones you’ll use that offer energy efficiency benefits. Don’t purchase an expensive appliance that you’ll use once or twice yearly, as this will stretch your budget and limit other upgrades.
Start Planning Your Home Renovation Today
A home renovation project is your chance to create the home you’ve always craved when you become a first-time homeowner, but you must plan ahead and prepare for the dust invasion. Avoid rushing the process, and take time away from your home during the more chaotic days of the home remodel. Pick your flooring options first, and choose a paint color that works well with your interior design.
Check out the rest of our blog posts for more DIY and home maintenance guidance today!

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